Holiday Camps

Holiday Camps

We have a varied offering of holiday camp provision at Hibernian Community Foundation with opportunities for children aged 3 years to 14 years of age. Our camps provide children with the opportunity to stay physically active, make friends and learn new skills through a variety of challenges and games in a positive learning environment. 

Hibs Heroes Camps (for any boy and girl aged 5-12 years old)

Venues: Various across Edinburgh & The Lothians 

Times: We offer full week, single day and half day bookings:

Full Day: 10am-3pm

Half Day AM:  10am-12pm

Half Day PM: 1pm-3pm

Days: Monday to Friday 

Cost: £75 per week (£2.50 per hour)

Train Like a Pro (For boys and girls aged 8-14 years of age playing high level club or academy football)

Venue: World of Football, Marine Drive

Times: 10.00am-2.00pm

Days: Monday to Thursday  

Cost: £80 per week

To book a place on any camp, please click here! 

To register or for further information please contact our Football Development Officer, Samantha Windram on [email protected]


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