Hibs Heroes Summer Camps Smash 500 Attendees

The Foundation’s Hibs Heroes Holiday Camps have seen an incredible 525 participants attend camps across the summer holidays this year!

Eight camps have been hosted at 5 different locations across Edinburgh and the Lothians, resulting in 309 families taking part and staying physically active this summer.

Our Hibs Heroes Holiday Camps offer a fun, safe and rewarding environment for all participants aged 5-12years old and it was great to see the first-hand integration of young people in our community from various backgrounds.

We were also delighted to see Ukrainian families benefit throughout the summer as we worked closely with our friends from Dnipro Kids.

As a result of this partnership, we were able to provide 33 registrations to Ukrainian families, creating a summer to remember on the pitch.

New friendships were made, new languages were learnt and the global language that is football brought everyone together with smiles, laughter and goals galore.

A further 48 registrations were provided to our partners at Active Schools Edinburgh to provide to families living in our local communities who might not have been able to attend otherwise.


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Head of Football, Paul Greig, commented:

“The Foundation’s Hibs Heroes Holiday Camps have been a huge success this summer! It has been great to see over 500 children smile, laugh and love their football.

“The key aim for Hibs Heroes is to provide an environment and culture where the child is at the heart of the programme. Fun and engaging games, tournaments and an opportunity to keep active and make new friends are all key ingredients to the success of the programme.”

Hibs Heroes will continue again in October 2023 with details of camps to be released in the coming weeks.

For more information on our Football For All projects and Hibs Heroes Holiday Camps, please email our Football Development Officer, Ciaran Brian on [email protected]

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